The Company I Keep
While a new year is in some ways a fresh start, it is also a chance to revisit the year gone by. For me, the moments of 2012 that stand out most involve people, lots and lots of amazing people. So I thought I would take this chance to introduce you to some of my […]
Tis the Season!
This time of year is always full of wonder and awe. Nostalgia seems to be floating around like clouds in the sky, heavy with the memories of days gone by and yet light with possibilities and excitement. As I look back on 2012, I am struck with the realization that this has been a phenomenal […]
Thought Leaders & Change Makers
I was first introduced to Hollyhock six years ago by my yoga instructor and I thought it sounded like a magical place – “an unparalleled centre of learning and connection that exists to inspire, nourish and support people who are making the world better” – what’s not to love about that? While I have yet to make […]